Friday, April 10, 2009

Per Bristow's Singing Method

This rant describes one mans frustrating experience with the latest singing method
marketed to revolutionize your singing technique - whatever that means.

I am an aspiring singing who constantly look for ways to improve my vocal technique.

I came across a new website talking about a new way to get results for singers. I know

sometimes we get what we ask for but there are some diamonds in the rough when actually

believing the hype of a marketing pitch. I should know better, as I have studied marketing

techniques in the past, it's a play on words, where the product is made to appear better than

it actually is.

I order my DVD's and wait....and wait....and...then i send an email to their customer support

to inquiry about my order. I get response that the shipments from that day did not go out.

I'm thinking did you not know this until I made an inquiry, was I the only person looking for

an order. Why did I not receive word that my shipment will be delayed. Red flags at this point.

Issue #2

There are several bonuses marketed with the DVD's except that they are online, and no you

cannot download them (all). The bonuses are made availble via the singing zone website,

to include a free 30 days to the singing zone community where other lessons are available.

Remember the DVD's I ordered, the only lessons available are the ones one the DVD's.

In other words you only get to access your bonuses for 30 days and if you like them and want

to keep them then you will have to pay $47 dollars a month to access the "community where

a password protected site will allow each member to access one new lesson per week.

I asked why they refused to allow access to all the lessons, and I ws told people needed to follow

the method in order and spend at least 5 days learnign the new material. So um what if

I already know how to relax my tongue when I sing...well then you gotta wait for the next week

for the next lesson to be released.

Issue # 3 - Poor Customer Service

So I to give the singing zone community a shot for $47 a month. The only way to contact

their customer service is through email. I send an email sayig to charge my card for month's

access to the community. The next day I try to log on and - access denied. I send a followup

email only to be told...oh yeah your card declined. Dang was someone gonna tell me there was

a problem.. I had just purchased a couple of online items through paypal, checked my balanced

and resent an email with my card number and address.

asked them to try again. The next day no I'm think why am I having to practically

beg these people to take my money. I decided to instead send an email telling to

to not charge my card after all.

Issue#4 The Method

Per bristow comes across as a very likeable guy and it is a shame he's likely to

get a bad rap for hiring substandard help. I even sent the customer service department

a link to this blog because I would hate for them to think people are actually voting

for their current level of customer service by keeping quiet. I also changed my card number

with my bank in case someone accidently did bad things with it.

The method is okay..but I was confused why one 30 minute voice lesson was only put on

one DVD, spread over four DVDs? I guess it was to justify the $99 + shipping pricetag.

The truth is if you already sing without tension in your voice save your money.

The singsuccess website has far more value. I bought a year's subscription...and they don't

limit you access to what lesson you can watch, plus you get to download them lessons as well.

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